~ Welcome to my blog where I will discuss everything from how to successfully market your business to teaching you how to negotiate your salary ~

This Month's Post



Whether you are currently employed and starting your job search or unemployed unexpectedly looking for work all of these principles are important to consider.

First I like to start with a list of the ideal attributes I want my next role to have (example list below). This is helpful to keep your search focused and ensure you land a role you want versus just a job that will pay you. Keep this list in mind when you start the interview process and frame questions for the employer that will give you insight into the company culture.

Have you read my other articles?

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Despite my new found obsession with the office, once we see this seemingly judgemental message, we are suddenly motivated to be shit in life. With additional time to myself, now more than ever I am focusing on investing supplemental income.

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I strongly disagree with the cliche, “it’s business not personal,” because we are human first but while tapping into our humanity (the 10%) one must remember businesses are typically established for one purpose, generating revenue. In order to maintain focus, that should always be at the forefront of your mind when assessing your emotional investment in your work environment.

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Billy Mcfarland suffers from a mentality that many millennials struggle with, the notion that you can skip hard work and go straight to success. We are in the age of the 30 year old tech millionaire and instagram influencer, which means we have a skewed perception of the paths to success.

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How do I do this? Every morning when I get into the office I write a small list of priorities for the day. The key to this to do list is that it is on a 4x4 sticky note(slightly larger than standard), in order to keep the list focused.

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We have all opened an email or went to a meeting that immediately made our blood boil. One of my most recent experiences goes like this. I was working at a young, start up marketing agency, as a media manager of 10 junior media buyers…

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This blog post will challenge you in a way that differs from my previous posts. Entrepreneurship is not just about making your dream come to fruition and establishing financial freedom. Self reflection throughout the journey is key to sustainability.

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Corporate advancement is a game of shoots and ladders. Prior to millennials entering into the workforce there were mainly ladders, now our ladders have missing rungs and our journey is characterized by an endless climb with multiple career shifts.

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Ok so you caught the entrepreneurial bug and you’re ready to invest in your idea. You’re at the fork in the road. Before you quit your job, design a logo, or change your Instagram bio to “Entrepreneur” , ask yourself these 3 questions.

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There are hundreds (even thousands) of tools and softwares we can use to make our professional lives more, well... productive. As someone who considers herself pretty tech savvy, I think the list below contains some tools you may have heard of and some you may have not that could help you win the day.

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I’m here to remove the anxiety around money conversations. Look , I get it most of us are just out here trying to use our 9-5s to fund our current great idea or trying to climb the corporate ladder quickly to pay our rent and travel .